Let RocklandWeb take care of your seasons greetings, with an elegantly designed video that you can use for several years, and with thousands of customers – across social, email and other messaging channels!
Fill out the form below, and we’ll have your order completed within 72 hours of your request, sent to your email or social media channel of choice!
- $49.95 Digital greeting card – image only, jpeg created in Canva, emailed to you
- $99.95 Digital greeting video (15 sec) uploaded to YouTube, link emailed to you
Bonus! Get featured in our 2nd annual North Rockland Chamber Christmas Special!
- $99.95 NR Chamber business sponsor, listed in North Rockland Christmas Special
- $99.95 Holiday greetings selfie video, added to North Rockland Christmas Special
- $249.95 Promo video created, added to 2022 North Rockland Christmas Special